Saturday, March 6, 2010

Splitting Hairs

"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony." - Morpheus, The Matrix

Wouldn't you was just two days ago when I wrote the last post concerning Tony's hair. It seems that all it took for him to start losing hair was for me to write about how he wasn't losing hair! In fact, the very next morning when he took a shower, it started coming out...LOTS of it. He said he was just running his hands through his hair while washing it and the deluge began. My husband (thoughtful man that he is) left me several gigantic hairballs in both the sink and the shower because he knew I'd like to see how much he lost. (And yes, odd person that I am, I actually appreciated this).

After that, we amused ourselves by discovering that you could just grasp his hair in your fingers and it would come straight out. It was kind of amazing how quickly it got patchy-looking, especially in the back. So Tony decided it was time for a haircut. His friend Chris was kind enough to lend some clippers to the cause, complete with a hair-cutting cape. At first, Tony did a moderate buzz, leaving some length on the hair. And then he decided to go for it: he took the guard lower and buzzed it nearly all the way to the scalp. He said he was tired of trying to figure out where it looked patchy, and also said it felt empowering to do this himself. (I got to cut the back, though!)

So feel free to admire his head (he has a very nice, symmetrical one!) when you see him. Please just don't ask to rub the cranium though, as it is still a bit sore from the chemo. Also, Tony does kindly request that you not give him what he calls the "sad-cancer-patient-face" when you see him; he doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him! He's really quite chipper, and we'd like to keep it that way! Have a follicularly fabulous evening, everyone! :)



  2. Looking good and i love the shirt very very funny

  3. Tony you are such a handsome man without all that hair hiding your greatest features!!! I absolutely can't wait to see you in person.

    Hope your strength is holding up through treatments. Hang in there, the week is almost over!

    Love & prayers!

  4. Bald is beautiful, as we both know.

    Love your brother, Brian.

    Carol and Patrick say hi and we are always praying!
