Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Chemo for You!

Well, Tony's last chemo (on Tuesday) turned out to chemo. He had been joking that maybe his blood counts would be too low for chemo, and as it turned out, they were. His white blood cells were 2.0 (normal is 4.5 to 10.0). So his doctor said this was too low, and that's it for chemo. He's done.

The radiation, unfortunately, continues. He did have one day off (today) because they had to re-do the computer mapping for his new "skinnier" mask. But this is just a one day break, so not too bad. He has five more treatments, and then we'll schedule a CT scan. Can't WAIT to be done.

Also, a funny story: Tony had wanted to get a bracelet engraved with the end date of his treatments. So I found a nice stainless steel, manly bracelet and had it engraved with the cancer ribbon symbol and the date of his last treatment (6-8-10). Aaaaand then they told us he would have to be off an extra day due to the computer mapping stuff, which means his actual last day of treatment will be 6-9-10. (Sigh). THEY MESSED UP MY BRACELET!! Ah well. Note to self: cancer is unpredictable. I'm waiting until he's ALL the way done now. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, well, the date on the bracelet can signify a celebration of the EVE of Tony's last radiation treatment....sort of like Christmas Eve?! Well, not exactly, but you get my point! Take care both of you!
    Cinda :)
